Cascadia Wildlands is actively engaged in the conversation with the Forest Service regarding the revisions to the forest plans guiding national forest management in Oregon and Washington.
National Forests all operate under individualized Land Management Plans, as required by the National Forest Management Act. These “Forest Plans” direct management of national forestlands over a given time. The National Forest Management Act requires each plan be revised and Oregon and Washington forests are either already in the revision process or are preparing for revisions. Many national forests are operating under plans that were published 20 to 30 years ago and amended by the Northwest Forest Plan.
The Pacific Northwest Region recently announced plans for holding additional forest management plan revision listening sessions. These listening sessions follow an initial round of listening sessions held earlier this year in Portland, Seattle and Redding. Listening sessions are planned in locations throughout Oregon and Washington. Cascadia Wildlands will be participating in these listening sessions as much as possible, and we encourage our members and supporters to participate as well. This is an important opportunity for the public to engage the Forest Service on the future of land management on our public forests. (Umpqua National Forest, photo credit Aileen Carlos).
This round of listening sessions will be held at local forest locations to engage with local communities. (Spotted owl photo credit USFWS).
The Forest Service is holding these listening sessions to:
· Share the Forest Service’s current thinking on plan revision
· Share how science will inform the process, and
· Listen to ideas and thoughts about how to approach public engagement for forest plan revision.
The Forest Service will be posting more details on their website as they become available:
Contact Cascadia Wildlands for information and/or questions about our engagement.
Listening sessions will be held on the following dates:
Date Location Forest(s)
April 27th Corvallis Siuslaw
Oregon State University
LaSells Stewart Center
875 S.W. 26th St.
April 27th Prineville Ochoco
Bowman Museaum Annex
6-8 pm
April 28th Issaquah Mount Baker/
Blakely Hall Snoqualmie
2550 NE Park
April 28th Olympia Olympic and Gifford
6-8pm Pinchot
April 28th Bend Deschutes
Deschutes NF Headquarters
63095 Deschutes Market Rd
May 4th Pleasant Hill Willamette
High School
84455 N Enterprise Road
May 4th Lakeview Freemont-Winema
Fairgrounds, Exhibit Bldg. #1
1900 N. 4th Street
May 4th Medford Rogue-Siskiyou
Medford Interagency Office
3040 Biddle Road
May 5th Klamath Falls Fremont-Winema
Oregon Institute of Technology
College Union 2nd Floor
3201 Campus Drive
May 6th Stayton Willamette
Community Center
400 W Virginia Street
May 6th Gold Beach Rogue-Siskiyou
Curry County Fairgrounds
Docia Sweet Hall
29392 Ellensburg Ave
May 11th Hood River Mt. Hood and Gifford
Columbia Gorge Hotel Pinchot
400 Westcliff Drive
TBD Okanogan-