Summer GIS Internship Position

Contact: Sam Krop, Grassroots Organizer Cascadia Wildlands
PO Box 10455
Eugene, Oregon 97440
Phone: (541) 434-1463 Email:

About Cascadia Wildlands -Cascadia Wildlands is a non-profit environmental organization with an offices in Eugene, Oregon. Cascadia is dedicated to defending the forests, waters and wildlife of the Cascadia bioregion by monitoring environmentally destructive government actions and educating, organizing and agitating for a more compassionate and responsible relationship with the ecosystems we live in. We take aggressive stands against logging, road building, mining and other unsustainable resource extraction activities in wild places, particularly on public lands. Our goal is to fight further exploitation of wildlife, wild areas and human communities and to promote the restoration of degraded landscapes. We enjoy success because we emphasize grassroots organizing and a hands-on approach to environmental challenges.

About the GIS Internship Position

The GIS intern supports Cascadia’s work monitoring timber sales and fossil fuel projects by working with GIS software to map proposals and model impacts. GIS interns will work with government maps and ArcGis software to create models that relay relationships between industrial projects and key ecological and social impacts.  Possible outcomes range from a map that demonstrates where a proposed fossil fuel pipeline crosses waterbodies, to maps showcasing the fire risks and landslide risks in a timber sale area.

GIS interns also work with Cascadia’s volunteer field team to collect the data collected using Avenza software in the field and represent data on ArcGis online maps that can be made accessible to the general public. Interns will have an opportunity to learn more about the federal process for approving projects on federal lands, experience working with agency maps and using ArcGIS software to create useful models for ongoing education and outreach efforts.


Who Should Apply – Students with skills and experience with Arcmap, ArcGIS online, and google earth who have a passion for wild places, and ideally some background in federal land management and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

How to Apply – Please mail or email a cover letter, resume, law school transcript (an unofficial copy is fine), and a few work sample sto the above address.