November 10, 2011: Devil's Staircase legislation is marked up and passed out of the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests.
October 25, 2011: Devil's Staircase receives positive hearing in House Natural Resources subcommittee.
October 5, 2011: Governor Kitzhaber submits his "Crown Jewels" nominations to the Department of Interior. Included in the letter are the proposed Devil's Staircase, Wild Rogue and Cathedral Rock and Horse Heaven Wilderness Areas. The Medford Mail Tribute runs a story on the crown jewels.
May 18, 2011: The Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests holds a successful hearing on Devil's Staircase. Senator Wyden and the Obama administration offer support for the wilderness designation at the hearing.
April 8, 2011: Sponsored by Rep. Peter DeFazio and Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, the proposed Devil's Staircase Wilderness is reintroduced into both houses of the 112th Congress. Read the Register-Guard's opinion on the reintroduction.
January 2011: While Devil's Staircase makes it onto the public lands omnibus bill in Congress, the Senate fails to pass the bill during the lame duck session.
June 22, 2010: Devil's Staircase bill clears Senate committee.
October 28, 2009: Devil's Staircase bill clears House committee.
October 8, 2009: Devil's Staircase receives support in Senate and House hearings.
October 1, 2009: Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands in the House Natural Resources Committee holds hearing on Devil's Staircase Wilderness in Congress.
September 25, 2009: Cascadia Wildlands returns from guiding a two-day outing to Devil's Staircase with Oregon Public Broadcasting's Oregon Field Guide. Watch the show online.
June 16, 2009: Rep. Peter DeFazio and Senator Ron Wyden introduce legislation into Congress to protect the 29,650-acre Devil's Staircase Wilderness.
2007: Devil's Staircase coalition members lead Rep. Peter DeFazio and staff to the Devil's Staircase waterfall. DeFazio calls it the "hardest hike of his life."
2007: Bureau of Land Management proposes to open up the eastern portion of Wasson Creek to clearcutting under its new forest plan revision.