When reading Tim Egan’s recent op-ed in the New York Times on salmon I was reminded of an “aha” moment I recently experienced at the Tongass talk I gave for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Science Pub. Towards the end of the talk I asked the crowd of 90 or so if anyone had never eaten salmon. No one raised their hand. No one.
"…what if I told you that the trees are here, in part, because of the salmon? That the trees that shelter and feed the fish, that help build the fish, are themselves built by the fish?" Carl Safina, essayist for “Salmon in the Trees” by Amy Gulick (2010)
When I say “we are salmon,” it is really quite literal because some part of our chemical makeup comes from salmon. When we consume salmon we certainly derive energy and enjoy taste but our body also takes part of that salmon and incorporates it physically. As Carl Safina suggests above our forests are built in part from salmon, but so are we and we should remember and honor that happenstance.
Perhaps this is why it is or should be so important for us to fight for salmon and why it has become so important for this organization to stand up against clearcutting of the Tongass, the Elliott and the O&C lands. It is also the reason why we have opposed GMO salmon and suction dredging for gold in our rivers. While it is great that we have taken these public stances, you need to channel your inner fish and do likewise. The good news is that there are many opportunities for this locally, regionally and nationally.
Feel Your Fins and Let Your Activism Swim:
Comment on the Tongass clearcutting schemes
Attend the October 1st Rally for Forests in Portland and Send Senator Wyden your thoughts on the O&C Lands