Cascadia Wildlands worked to protect the threatened forests above the McKenzie River located in the Flat Country timber sale (photo by Andrew Kumler).

Next Volunteer Meeting — August 9

Join us for our next WildCAT volunteer meeting on Wednesday, August 9 (NOT on the first Wednesday of August).

Let us know you’re coming, because this meeting is a movie and ice cream night! RSVP by emailing Madeline at

THIS MEETING will only be IN-PERSON at the CW office: 120 Shelton McMurphey Blvd, Suite #250, in Eugene **Please help us practice good community care and do not come if you are sick or have recently been exposed to COVID.

Filmed across the West and narrated by Golden Globe and Emmy nominated actor David Oyelowo, Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire (84 min) takes viewers on a journey with the top experts in the nation to better understand fire. The film includes the voices of climate experts, Indigenous people and fire survivors, and asks us to reimagine our relationship with wildfire as we prepare for an increasingly hotter future.

WildCATs field checking the 42 Divide timber sale (photo by Cascadia Wildlands).

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Volunteer with Cascadia Wildlands

Learn more about WildCATs