Map by Dan Aguayo/The Oregonian.

Proposed pipeline route, click image to enlarge (map by Dan Aguayo/TheOregonian).

The Jordan Cove Energy Project is a proposed pipeline and export terminal owned by Pembina, a Canadian energy company, to export fracked liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Canada and the Rockies to Asia using Oregon as a right-of-way.  The Jordan Cove Energy Project would require a 229-mile pipeline from Malin, Oregon to Coos Bay, culminating in a massive export terminal in Coos Bay’s Jordan Cove. If built, the pipeline would pollute Oregon’s waterways, impact hundreds of land owners, threaten tribal territories, raise energy prices, and create the largest source of climate pollution in the state of Oregon. Communities across Oregon have been organizing in resistance to this project for over fourteen years.

Rally at the capital building in Salem, Oregon (photo by Cascadia Wildlands).

In March 2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) denied permits for the pipeline, finding that the pipeline company had not demonstrated sufficient public markets for its demand to justify the impacts to private landowners along the pipeline route.

And then, Donald Trump got elected. His administration quickly announced Jordan Cove as one of their top priorities, and worked to stack the members of FERC with industry friendly decision-makers. Their work paid off, and FERC approved the project’s most recent application this past March.

However, FERC’s approval of the pipeline does not mean this fight is over — Cascadia Wildlands is part of a vibrant and growing alliance of fracked gas resister working to stop this project. In the past year, we have worked to ensure that the State of Oregon denied three critical permits that the project needs before it can move forward, and have led organizing efforts to pressure elected officials and build the movement against this project.

(No LNG Coalition Members)

What Can You Do

Tell Congress that New LNG and Fracked Gas Pipelines are not Essential during COVID-19 THIS IS NO LONGER AN ACTIVE PETITION

Check out our WildCAT volunteer team here for more information on how to get involved with Cascadia’s grassroots resistance to this project.

Keep checking our website for updates on the status of the project.

For more information specifically on:

The Pipeline
The Terminal
Global Warming Issues
Environmental Issues
Economic Issues
Wildfire Impacts

Download a one-page Jordan Cove fact sheet.

Download the fact sheet Climate Impacts of Natural Gas and Exporting.

Other actions you can take:

To tell Oregon’s Governor what you think, click here. THIS IS NO LONGER AN ACTIVE PETITION

Write to the federal government or your local governments. Talking points here.

Submit a comment to FERC today telling them this dirty fossil fuel project is still not in the public benefit!

[1] Jordan Cove Resource Report 1, March 2012. Appendix B.1 Navigant Study page 3. “Jordan Cove is supplied 70 percent by Canadian gas”…

[2] Jordan Cove Resource Report 1, March 2012. Page 1-4. “LNG exports, including those from the proposed Project, should be seen as instrumental in providing the increased demand to spur exploration and development of gas shale assets in North America for the long-term benefit of the country and others”.

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