Cascadia Wildlands Seeks a Wildlands Director

This position uses legal, administrative and grassroots organizing tools and science to protect imminently threatened wildlands, waters and species. Working in coordination with program staff, the Wildlands Director monitors land management and policy proposals and engages in the public comment process to help shape planning outcomes and build legal records to protect biodiversity in Cascadia.

FIELD REPORT / BLOG: Quartzville-Middle Santiam Old-Growth on the Chopping Block

Proposed Quartzville-Middle Santiam (QMS) Timber Sale Project: Field Check Trip, July 2020 by Chelsea Stewart-Fusek Cascadia Wildlands Legal Intern, Summer 2020 On a gorgeous day earlier this month, the Willamette … Continue reading FIELD REPORT / BLOG: Quartzville-Middle Santiam Old-Growth on the Chopping Block

In Solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter

June 3, 2020 — Dear Friends, Colleagues, Allies, and Supporters: Like so many of you, Cascadia Wildlands’ staff and board are moved to stand up in urgent protest of the distressing murder of George Floyd, a recent manifestation of a repugnant pattern of deep-rooted racism in our society. We were inspired to take part in the huge Black Lives Matter march in Eugene on Sunday, with thousands of our neighbors, in solidarity with millions around the country. This is a moment and an issue that demands specific, immediate attention from us all.

2019 Washington Annual Wolf Report Released!

April 20, 2020 — The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife released its annual wolf report today. The population posted meager overall growth resulting in a total count of 108 wolves up from 97 wolves last year. The number of packs decreased. Oregon posted large population gains this year, indicating that the stagnant growth in Washington was not a function of weather patterns but again a function of large amounts of lethal control of which Oregon had none.

Federal Appeals Court Blocks Mt. Hood Logging

April 3, 2020 — Cascadia Wildlands and our allies Bark and Oregon Wild prevailed before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today federal court in a long-running legal battle over the Crystal Clear logging project on the eastern slopes of Mount Hood. The logging project encompassed nearly 12,000 acres of public land in the Mount Hood National Forest, and included almost 3000 acres of logging of mature and old-growth forests along with plans to build or re-open 36 miles of roads.