Official 2017 Washington Wolf Count Released

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife released its official 2017 wolf count this past Friday.  You can find the report in full here, but fourteen wolves were killed by … Continue reading Official 2017 Washington Wolf Count Released

Putting Fracked Gas Infrastructure on Kate Brown’s Agenda

The third resurrection of the zombie pipeline is upon us. Like the premise for an 80s horror film, the Jordan Cove Energy Project proposal slated for southwest Oregon makes little … Continue reading Putting Fracked Gas Infrastructure on Kate Brown’s Agenda

Cascade-Siskiyou — A Wonderland at a Biological and Political Crossroads

by Sam Krop, Cascadia Wildlands Grassroots Organizer Straddling the border of Oregon and California, the beautiful and biologically unique Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument has received a lot of public attention lately. … Continue reading Cascade-Siskiyou — A Wonderland at a Biological and Political Crossroads

The Deja Vu of Killing Wolves

Late last month, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that it would shoot up to four wolves in the Harl Butte pack. Again. In August, following conflicts between wolves and livestock in the same area, the Department killed another four wolves from the same pack.