The Trail Bridge dam sits at the end of the frame. The dark blue water of the Mckenzie runs with green trees on the shore.

Eugene Water and Electric Board Violating Endangered Species Act  

Advocates Sue to Address Harm to Bull Trout and Chinook Salmon Contacts:  Bethany Cotton, Cascadia Wildlands, 503.327.4923 John Persell, Oregon Wild 503.896.6472  Jennifer Fairbrother, Native Fish Society: 541.602.0696  Lindsey Hutchinson, Willamette Riverkeeper  Hannah Goldblatt, Advocates for the West: 503.506.5131 Nicole Funaro, Public Justice,, 203.435.1722 EUGENE, OR — Today, conservation … Continue reading Eugene Water and Electric Board Violating Endangered Species Act  

A bright green forest lets dappled sunlight through. A volunteer stands to the right, dwarfed by the trees.

Help Strike Out the Big League Logging Project

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has revived the deeply flawed Big League logging project in the Mohawk River and Upper Calapooia River watersheds near Marcola and Wendling, Oregon. The Bureau of Land Management wants to log 2,700 acres of forested watersheds and construct or renovate a whopping 133 miles of roads in the Big … Continue reading Help Strike Out the Big League Logging Project

A bright green forest with mossy, downed logs spread across the forest floor.

Cascadia Wildlands Responds to Trump’s Big Timber Executive Order

On March 1, Donald Trump signed an executive order entitled “Immediate Expansion of American Timber Production,” calling on federal land managers to “fully exploit our domestic timber supply,” and instructing agencies to bypass existing federal laws and regulations that protect stately forests, rural communities, clean water, imperiled species, recreation, and the climate.  Trump argues that dramatically increasing domestic timber … Continue reading Cascadia Wildlands Responds to Trump’s Big Timber Executive Order

Join us for the return of the Hoedown at the Farmer’s Market Pavilion!

Friday, April 25, 2025 @ 7:00 PM Farmers Market Pavilion and Plaza, 85 E 8TH Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 This event is a sliding scale event ranging from $10-$50 to help raise money for Cascadia Wildlands conservation efforts and to have a whole lot of fun with all of YOU! PARKING Parking will be general … Continue reading Join us for the return of the Hoedown at the Farmer’s Market Pavilion!

A young person stands to the right of a huge tree that makes them look tiny. The surrounding foliage is bright green.

Weigh In on the Future of Northwest Public Forests 

For 30 years, the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) has guided management of 17 national forests stretching from western Washington and Oregon south to northwestern California. Proposed changes to the plan are underway. We are asking you to take two concrete actions to help advocate for the ecosystems you love. Originally developed to curb the impacts … Continue reading Weigh In on the Future of Northwest Public Forests 

Supporters Rally to Save Aloha Trout

This November, Cascadia Wildlands and supporters rallied against the Aloha Trout project just a few miles east of the community of Alsea, Oregon.  This Bureau of Land Management logging project would log and build new roads through 1,800 acres of public forest in the middle of Oregon’s Coast Range. While out in the forest, Cascadia … Continue reading Supporters Rally to Save Aloha Trout

A man stands by a tall tree.

Conservation Groups Challenge Bureau of Land Management SW Oregon Old-Growth Timber Sale

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. November 19, 2024 Contact:Nick Cady, Cascadia Wildlands, (314) 482-3746George Sexton, Conservation Director KS Wild 541-778-8120 gs@kswild.orgJohn Persell, Staff Attorney, Oregon Wild 503-896-6472 EUGENE, OR. Today forest conservation organizations filed a legal challenge in Medford federal district court challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) latest old-growth timber sale located in the Cascade foothills east of … Continue reading Conservation Groups Challenge Bureau of Land Management SW Oregon Old-Growth Timber Sale

Salmon spawn in Honey Grove creek in the Aloha Trout logging project. The water is clear, and the surrounding rocks are brown. Trees above have yellow leaves.

Stand with Community Members — Say No to the Aloha Trout Logging Project!

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is planning a new logging project just a few miles east of the community of Alsea, Oregon. The Aloha Trout project would log and build new roads through 1,800 acres of public forest in the middle of Oregon’s Coast Range. While some of the project area is relatively young, … Continue reading Stand with Community Members — Say No to the Aloha Trout Logging Project!

Cascadia Wildlands Statement on the Election Results

As we process the results of the election and the disastrous consequences it will have on marginalized communities, democracy, and our environment, one thing is certain: We must support each other like never before to successfully defend the values we hold closely. We anticipate an all-out assault on the environment administratively and legislatively. Imperiled species, clean … Continue reading Cascadia Wildlands Statement on the Election Results

Mountain Rose Herbs

Double Your Donation This November!

by Josh Laughlin, Executive DirectorCascadia Wildlands While the Biden administration has identified the need to enact mature and old-growth forest protections through Executive Order 14072, its Bureau of Land Management is planning reckless older forest timber sales at a breakneck place in western Oregon. The Blue and Gold timber sale located southwest of Eugene is … Continue reading Double Your Donation This November!