May 31, 2012 — Cascadia Wildlands, the Center for Biological Diversity, and the Audubon Society of Portland filed a lawsuit today in federal court charging that the State of Oregon’s clearcutting practices illegally harm threatened marbled murrelets within the Tillamook, Clatsop and Elliott state forests in violation of the Endangered Species Act. The conservation organizations are calling on Gov. John Kitzhaber to develop a plan for state forests that will adequately protect the rare seabirds that spend most of their lives on the ocean but come inland to nest and breed in mature and old-growth forests.
Other Hikes
Schedule Coming Soon! For All Hikes: Bring a hefty lunch, 1/2 gallon of water, raingear, and stout boots. Hikes are typically off-trail unless otherwise noted and not for the thin-skinned. Hypothermia, broken bones, falling trees and branches, dermatitis, and even vehicle accidents are an inherent hazard to this activity and participants assume all personal risks … Continue reading Other Hikes
Our Wants and Needs List
What might be sitting unused in your attic, garage, closet or office could bring a smile to our face. We all have those places where we have something that is of value and we cannot seem to part with it because we know it has a use. Consumables: We always have a need for office … Continue reading Our Wants and Needs List
Devil’s Staircase: More Info
Waterfalls, old-growth rainforest, Pacific giant salamanders, roadless country, solitude. Find them all in the proposed Devil's Staircase Wilderness — a priceless wild area located in the heart of the central Oregon Coast Range, northeast of Reedsport, Oregon. The Devil's Staircase area has one of the greatest concentrations of primary rainforest in the Coast Range. It … Continue reading Devil’s Staircase: More Info
Forest Frontier: Recent Updates
March 04, 2011: A federal district judge in Anchorage ruled in favor of our coalition's roadless rule lawsuit, reinstating roadless rule protections for the Tongass National Forest. Read the decision here. January 10, 2010: Three environmental groups sued the Forest Service in Federal District Court in Anchorage today, challenging the Logjam timber sale project on Alaska’s Tongass … Continue reading Forest Frontier: Recent Updates
Copper River: More Information
The Trans-Alaska Pipeline (TAPS) is more than thirty years old and corrosion (see video below) is becoming more and more of an issue all along the route from the North Slope oil fields to Valdez, Alaska. Our concerns are several but can be distilled into three main issues: 1) as the pipeline ages the risk … Continue reading Copper River: More Information
Oregon Dunes: More Information
The Oregon Dunes National Recreational Area is the most extensive and unique expanse of sand dunes along the entire Pacific Coast of North America. Natural assets of the Oregon Dunes include tree islands, geologically unique sand dune formations, a variety of globally significant plant communities, rare plant and wildlife species, and numerous freshwater lakes. The area … Continue reading Oregon Dunes: More Information
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Lawsuit Launched to Protect Threatened Marbled Murrelet from Clearcutting in Oregon State Forests
January 19, 2012
PORTLAND, OR.— Cascadia Wildlands, the Center for Biological Diversity and Audubon Society of Portland filed a notice of intent to sue the state of Oregon today over harmful clearcutting practices on the Elliott, Tillamook and Clatsop state forests. The notice presents evidence that the state’s practices are harming, harassing and otherwise leading to the demise of the federally protected marbled murrelet, which comes inland to nest and breed in mature and old-growth forests. The Endangered Species Act prohibits actions that injure threatened species, including destruction of their habitat.