The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has revived the deeply flawed Big League logging project in the Mohawk River and Upper Calapooia River watersheds near Marcola and Wendling, Oregon. The Bureau of Land Management wants to log 2,700 acres of forested watersheds and construct or renovate a whopping 133 miles of roads in the Big League project area. While much of the area has a history of heavy logging, WildCATs field checking the area have seen bubbling creeks meandering through pockets of diverse, maturing forests with towering legacy trees, snags, and downed wood for wildlife. In the project area, the Calapooia River provides critical habitat for both the Upper Willamette River spring Chinook salmon and Upper Willamette steelhead, and areas with known northern spotted owl sightings would be negatively affected by proposed actions. Logging would take place close to community members who live, recreate, or get water filtered through these forests.
The Trump administration is targeting public lands, wrongfully directing agencies to get out the cut at the expense of all other values. This means our forested watersheds are on the chopping block. Take a few minutes below to tell local BLM staff you do not want to see these public forests exploited!
Submit your comments on the Big League logging project to BLM by Friday, March 21st, at 4 p.m. PST. We’ve provided a template to help you get started, but be sure to customize your comment for the greatest impact. If you live nearby or have special ties to the area, let BLM know! If you want additional support crafting your comments, reach out! Thank you for advocating for the critters and communities of Cascadia.