Jordan Cove LNG Comments

Write to Federal, State and County governments on the Jordan Cove LNG Project, the proposal to Jordan Coveliquefy natural gas derived from fracking and export it to Asia.

Below are suggested comments you can modify:


The Jordan Cove LNG Terminal and Pacific Connector Pipeline is a massive, new fossil-fuel infrastructure that will contribute to our climate change problems for years to come. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 11-1-14 report) determined that by 2050 we must have reduced our reliance on fossil fuels by over 80%. The Jordan Cove terminal will have decades of life left by 2050. The government must consider if this massive fossil fuel project would fit into that reduction, or if it could tip us over into unlivable climate change. 

Natural gas is methane. A percentage of methane leaks unburned into the atmosphere when drilling, transporting, and processing into LNG. This methane is 86 times more potent greenhouse gas than burning coal. Governments must to consider these climate impacts of LNG.

The company's stated Purpose and Need for this project (in their "Resource Report One") is to be able to continue and expand fracking. Since this project will facilitate increased fracking, impacts from this controversial extraction process should be considered in the cumulative impacts along with the environmental problems of building the pipeline and terminal.

The LNG terminal is proposed to be built in the earthquake subduction zone and tsunami area of Coos Bay. Our government should at least describe what could happen to the two 80-million-gallon tanks of liquefied natural gas if the power plant stopped working and the back-up power also failed, as did in Fukushima Japan. The LNG would immediately start to warm and expand. What then?

Over 600 Oregon landowners are facing the threat of eminent domain from the 230-mile long pipeline (100' wide right-of-way) needed to feed the LNG terminal. Veresen, a Canadian company is asking FERC to consider their enhanced profits from exporting LNG as a "public benefit", so they can condemn the land needed for the pipeline. A foreign company should not be given the right to condemn Oregonians land for corporate profits that don't even stay in the U.S.

Our local governments should require the pipeline through southern Oregon to be built to the same safety standards for the entire 230-miles, instead of allowing lower safety standards in the steep, landslide and fire-prone forests of rural Oregon. Veresen will save money by using thinner pipes, less welds, and a host of other cost-saving measures. This is because, if the pipeline blows up, fewer people die in rural areas. Instead, our government should not consider people lives as an acceptable trade for saving corporate profits. 

In addition to people's farms, this project will clearcut a 100' wide swath through 75 miles of national forest wildlife habitat, 80% of which had been reserved for imperiled wildlife. Over 400 waterways will have their stream-side vegetation permanently cleared. Our governments must consider these impacts to our wildlife that depend on these forests and streams, like the spotted owl, marbled murrelet, and coho salmon.


Thank you for commenting on this terrible energy project proposed for Oregon. Thank you for your concern for your southern Oregon neighbors faced with having their lands condemned, and for your concern for our climate.

For more information on the Jordan Cove Energy Project, click here.


How to submit comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC):


Mail comments to: Kimberly Bose, Secretary, FERC, 888 First St. NE, Room 1A, Washington DC 20426. Refer to Docket Numbers CP13-483 and CP13-492.

Or, submit your comments electronically. You can submit up to 6,000 characters. (The suggestions above are 2,600 characters you could paste in).  Follow these easy steps:

1. Go to the FERC comment page at:

2. Fill in the information, including your email address, and click authorize.

3. Check your email and click on the link FERC sent you. It brings you back to the FERC web site.

4. All your information is filled out for you EXCEPT for the Docket Number. There are two document numbers, one for the LNG Terminal, and one for the LNG Pipeline. We'll enter both, so your comments will be in both files.

Type CP13-483 (no spaces) in the Docket Number box, and click on Search. You will then see the docket number listed.

Click on the blue + sign under the word Select, and it will be a chosen docket number.

Type CP13-492 in the Docket Number box, and click on Search. After it is listed, cluck on the blue + sign under the word Select and it will become another chosen docket number.

Now you are ready to paste in parts of the suggested comments from above, emphasizing areas that concern you the most, so they will be considered a unique comment.

5. Click Submit.

If necessary, use the telephone number FERC gave you in your email for help.