BLOG: Reporting Back from the Oakridge/Westfir Field Visit

By Danielle Curtis, 2021 Summer Legal Intern On an uncharacteristically rainy morning in mid-June, myself, along with my fellow Cascadia team members, pulled into the Middle Fork Willamette Ranger Station. Here, we would meet with representatives from Oregon Wild, as well as a number of Willamette National Forest District Rangers and fuel planners. The purpose … Continue reading BLOG: Reporting Back from the Oakridge/Westfir Field Visit

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Upholds Oregon’s Denial of Key Jordan Cove LNG Permit

January 19, 2021 — Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) upheld the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s denial of a key permit for the proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline. The Jordan Cove LNG project cannot move forward without a Clean Water Act approval from the state of Oregon.

Cascadia Wildlands Seeks a Wildlands Director

This position uses legal, administrative and grassroots organizing tools and science to protect imminently threatened wildlands, waters and species. Working in coordination with program staff, the Wildlands Director monitors land management and policy proposals and engages in the public comment process to help shape planning outcomes and build legal records to protect biodiversity in Cascadia.

BLOG: Environmental Rollbacks Gut Core Conservation Laws

Trump Administration Pushing Through Environmental Rollbacks During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Gene McCarthy Cascadia Wildlands Legal Intern, Summer 2020 It can be exhausting keeping up with the constant barrage of unfortunate news covering the current administration’s breakneck efforts to remove environmental safeguards. Unfortunately, the past six months during the COVID-19 pandemic have been no exception. … Continue reading BLOG: Environmental Rollbacks Gut Core Conservation Laws

FIELD REPORT / BLOG: Quartzville-Middle Santiam Old-Growth on the Chopping Block

Proposed Quartzville-Middle Santiam (QMS) Timber Sale Project: Field Check Trip, July 2020 by Chelsea Stewart-Fusek Cascadia Wildlands Legal Intern, Summer 2020 On a gorgeous day earlier this month, the Willamette Valley Broadband of Great Old Broads for Wilderness joined the Cascadia Wildlands field checking team to survey some of the units in the QMS timber … Continue reading FIELD REPORT / BLOG: Quartzville-Middle Santiam Old-Growth on the Chopping Block

Thurston Hills Timber Sale

Thurston Hills aka “Pedal Power” Timber Sale is next to Springfield, OR Neighborhood: The Thurston Hills or “Pedal Power” timber sale was proposed near a Springfield, Oregon neighborhood. We successfully blocked this terrible plan. Twice. The Thurston Hills timber sale would have resulted in extensive “regeneration harvest” (all but clearcutting) of 109-acres of middle-aged forest … Continue reading Thurston Hills Timber Sale

Field Trip to Flat Country Timber Sale — March 14, 2020

* The deadline for this action has past. * This hike has already happened. Our field checking intern wrote up a blog post from the visit to Flat Country. Check it out! Join Cascadia Wildlands for a visit to the Flat Country timber sale, a 5,000 acre logging proposal in the Willamette National Forest. We … Continue reading Field Trip to Flat Country Timber Sale — March 14, 2020

Cascadia Wildlands and Partners in Front of Oregon Supreme Court to Protect the Elliott State Forest

by Noah Mikell, Cascadia Wildlands Summer Legal Intern Last week we kicked off our summer as Cascadia Wildlands’ latest legal interns by attending oral arguments in the Oregon Supreme Court! It couldn’t have been better timing that we started our internships just as attorneys Dan Kruse and Nick Cady were putting the final touches on … Continue reading Cascadia Wildlands and Partners in Front of Oregon Supreme Court to Protect the Elliott State Forest

Field Checking 101 in the Breitenbush Hwy 46 Timber Sale

On Saturday, May 25th join Cascadia Wildland’s volunteer WildCAT team for a full day of field checking in the Breitenbush Hwy 46 Timber Sale!   Register here to join! Our field checking trainings cover the basics of timber sale monitoring, how to read timber sale proposal and what to look for when exploring a timber … Continue reading Field Checking 101 in the Breitenbush Hwy 46 Timber Sale

The Need to Update Smokey Bear’s Message

By Michael Cook, Cascadia Wildlands intern “Only YOU can prevent forest fires!” Smokey Bear began bellowing his evergreen slogan in 1947. The blue jeans wearing, shovel toting, bear-turned-park ranger has been the official mascot of fire suppression for over 70 years now. Smokey’s message had good intentions: practice responsible fire safety measures. The commercials featuring … Continue reading The Need to Update Smokey Bear’s Message