Flat Country Timber Sale

Flat Country — Willamette National Forest, McKenzie Ranger District UPDATE: Early in 2022, in honor of Earth Day, President Biden signed an executive order (EO) on Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities, and Local Economies. The EO represents progress in its acknowledgement that old-growth and, notably, mature forests are essential against the worst impacts of climate … Continue reading Flat Country Timber Sale

Reflections on the Rise for Climate March & the Future of Fossil Fuel Resistance

By Dylan Plummer, Madeline Cowen, and Sam Krop Chants of ‘keep it in the ground’ floated on the early morning breeze in downtown San Francisco as we joined tens of thousands of demonstrators gathering for the People’s Climate March. A sea of colorful banners waved against the morning light, reading things ranging from ‘Quaker’s against … Continue reading Reflections on the Rise for Climate March & the Future of Fossil Fuel Resistance

Strummin’ it at Northwest String Summit

by Renee Seacor and Mari Galloway, Cascadia Wildlands Summer Legal Interns July 25, 2018 As Cascadia Wildlands’ summer legal interns, we had the opportunity to table at the 17th annual Northwest String Summit! Overall, the weekend was a great success! We were able to listen to some incredibly talented musicians, paint the faces of some … Continue reading Strummin’ it at Northwest String Summit

Putting Fracked Gas Infrastructure on Kate Brown’s Agenda

The third resurrection of the zombie pipeline is upon us. Like the premise for an 80s horror film, the Jordan Cove Energy Project proposal slated for southwest Oregon makes little sense, yet it just won’t seem to be forgotten.   First proposed in 2004, the 232-mile Pacific Connector LNG pipeline and accompanying Jordan Cove liquified … Continue reading Putting Fracked Gas Infrastructure on Kate Brown’s Agenda

Field Checking the Quartz Timber Sale

  The Quartz Timber Sale is an 847-acre logging project set to take place on our public lands in the Umpqua National Forest on the Cottage Grove Ranger District.  The proposed sale will commercially log and then burn forests up to 130 years in age.  Folks here at Cascadia were concerned about the potential short … Continue reading Field Checking the Quartz Timber Sale

Gray Wolf Background and Resources

Extermination. Seen as incompatible with the settlement of the West, the gray wolf was trapped, poisoned and shot by state and federal governments and private bounty hunters to the point of near extinction. Protection. The species had been listed on the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) since the 1973. A year after being delisted in … Continue reading Gray Wolf Background and Resources

Cascadia Wildlands Challenges Wildlife Services’ Wolf Killing in Oregon

February 3, 2016 — Conservation groups filed a lawsuit today challenging the authority of the federal wildlife-killing program Wildlife Services to kill any of the approximately 81 remaining gray wolves in Oregon. The legal challenge, filed by the Western Environmental Law Center on behalf of four conservation groups, with Cascadia Wildlands representing itself, comes weeks after a federal court ruled that Wildlife Services’ controversial wolf killing program in Washington is illegal.

Huge Legal Victory for Washington’s Wolves

December 21, 2015 — In response to a challenge brought by a coalition of conservation organizations, a federal court rejected plans to escalate cruel wolf killing in Washington state by the secretive federal program dubbed “Wildlife Services.” Federal District Judge Robert Bryan held that Wildlife Services should have prepared a more in-depth environmental analysis of the impacts of its proposed wolf killing activities, finding the program’s cursory environmental assessment faulty because the proposed actions would have significant cumulative impacts that are highly controversial and highly uncertain.

FDA Approves Frankenfish, Cascadians Resist

By Gabe Scott, Alaska Legal Director   CORDOVA, AK— Frankenfish may be coming to a store near you, but not if we can help it.      Last week's decision by the Food & Drug Administration to approve Genetically Engineered Salmon for sale in the United States is hugely important. There are a lot of moving … Continue reading FDA Approves Frankenfish, Cascadians Resist