#RefugeRally Announced for Tuesday, Jan 19th
Public will gather to support Malheur refuge, celebrate national public lands

Events are listed below, with details and more events across the state currently being planned. Participants can contact Cascadia Wildlands to receive up-to-date event information, and follow the conversation using #RefugeRally. This page will continue to be updated.
Because of the volatile situation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, public lands supporters are strongly discouraged from visiting Harney County at this time.Unless otherwise specified, all events will take place at noon:
Old Federal Building
211 E. 7th Ave, Eugene
Old Federal Building
211 E. 7th Ave, Eugene
Press Contacts:
Oregon Wild – Doug Heiken (541-344-0675) dh@oregonwild.org
Cascadia Wildlands – Nick Cady (314) 482-3746 nick@cascwild.org
Center for Biological Diversity – Jared Margolis (802) 310-4054 jmargolis@biologicaldiversity.org
Oregon Wild – Doug Heiken (541-344-0675) dh@oregonwild.org
Cascadia Wildlands – Nick Cady (314) 482-3746 nick@cascwild.org
Center for Biological Diversity – Jared Margolis (802) 310-4054 jmargolis@biologicaldiversity.org
***Also in Eugene, Cascadia Wildlands will be hosting a sign-making party on Monday night prior to the rally. The event will take place at Cascadia Wildlands office at 1247 Willamette Street in Eugene at 5:30pm. Pizza and beverages will be provided, come help us think up some clever slogans! More on that event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/446690202205647/
Holladay Park
NE 11th Ave, Portland
Holladay Park
NE 11th Ave, Portland
Press Contacts:
Oregon Wild – Arran Robertson (971) 241-0103 ar@oregonwild.org
Portland Audubon – Bob Sallinger 503 380 -9728 bsallinger@audubonportland.org
Center for Biological Diversity – Tierra Curry (928) 522-3681 tcurry@biologicaldiversity.org
Oregon Wild – Arran Robertson (971) 241-0103 ar@oregonwild.org
Portland Audubon – Bob Sallinger 503 380 -9728 bsallinger@audubonportland.org
Center for Biological Diversity – Tierra Curry (928) 522-3681 tcurry@biologicaldiversity.org
Riverfront Plaza
Brooks St, Bend
Riverfront Plaza
Brooks St, Bend
Press Contact
Oregon Natural Desert Assoc – Dan Morse, (541) 330-2638 dmorse@onda.org
Oregon Natural Desert Assoc – Dan Morse, (541) 330-2638 dmorse@onda.org
La Grande
Pro-Public Lands Potluck
105 Fir St Suite #327
Pro-Public Lands Potluck
105 Fir St Suite #327
Press Contact: Hells Canyon Preservation Council – Darilyn Parry Brown (541) 963-3950 darilyn@hellscanyon.org
Federal Building / GSA
Federal Building / GSA
Seattle’s Henry M. Jackson Federal Building, 915 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
Press Contact: Conservation Northwest – Chase Gunnel (206) 675-9747