September 7, 2016 — Today the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana ordered the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) to reconsider its decision to exclude the Canada lynx’s entire southern Rocky Mountain range, essential for the wildcat’s recovery, from designation as critical habitat.
Conservationists Challenge Insufficient Lynx Protection
November 17, 2014 — Today, the Western Environmental Law Center (WELC) filed suit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in federal court under the Endangered Species Act for inadequately protecting Canada lynx habitat, a
threatened species, on behalf of WildEarth Guardians, Cascadia Wildlands, Oregon Wild, and Conservation Northwest.
Coalition Comments on Lynx Critical Habitat
On December 23, 2013 Cascadia Wildlands and coalition of conservation groups submitted the following comments in regards to Canada lynx critical habitat. Please click the below link to read our comments. Comment.FINAL.lynx.critical.habitat.12_23_2013
The Cougar Crisis?
By Bob Ferris "I am personally fearful of a cougar attacking someone because they have not been managed. Their population has increased exponentially since 1994. I am also fearful that without providing the necessary tools to manage them they will continue to do what they naturally do and prey on elk and deer and … Continue reading The Cougar Crisis?