Oregon Board of Forestry Petitioned to Develop Coho Salmon Protections

April 24, 2019 — Today, twenty conservation and fishing organizations delivered a rulemaking petition to the Oregon Board of Forestry requesting new rules to prevent logging-related harm to “resource sites” for coho salmon listed under the state and federal Endangered Species Act. Coho salmon, which are split into three evolutionarily significant units in Oregon, were first listed in Southern Oregon in 1997, and soon thereafter along the rest of the Oregon Coast in 1998. The Lower Columbia coho population was listed almost over a decade ago, in 2005.

Thurston Hills Timber Sale Challenged!

February 19, 2019 — Today, Cascadia Wildlands and Oregon Wild filed a lawsuit challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) plans to clearcut 100 acres of public forest on the edge of Springfield and directly adjacent to Willamalane’s recently opened 665-acre Thurston Hills Natural Area. In their complaint, the conservation organizations and residents who live adjacent to the proposed clearcutting cite increased fire hazards and threats to recreation from the logging.

Flat Country Timber Sale

Flat Country — Willamette National Forest, McKenzie Ranger District UPDATE: Early in 2022, in honor of Earth Day, President Biden signed an executive order (EO) on Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities, and Local Economies. The EO represents progress in its acknowledgement that old-growth and, notably, mature forests are essential against the worst impacts of climate … Continue reading Flat Country Timber Sale

Hike & Bike the Threatened Thurston Hills Trails – November 3rd

REGISTER HERE TO JOIN US WHAT: Join Cascadia and Climate Justice League for a visit to the proposed Thurston Hills clearcut timber sale. The Springfield Bureau of Land Management is planning to clearcut log 100 acres of this public forest within Willamalane biking/hiking trails and directly adjacent to the Thurston Hills Natural Area. Cascadia Wildlands … Continue reading Hike & Bike the Threatened Thurston Hills Trails – November 3rd

Reflections on the Enormous Victory in Northern Cascadia and Coming Full Circle

by Gabe Scott, Cascadia Wildlands House Counsel Ready for some good news? Last week our partners at Eyak Preservation Council announced that the major part of Alaska’s Bering River Coalfield, and the old-growth forest on top of it, has been permanently protected!   Several things about this historic victory make it especially sweet. Ecologically it protects … Continue reading Reflections on the Enormous Victory in Northern Cascadia and Coming Full Circle

Court Halts Logging of Elliott State Forest Tract Sold to Timber Company

December 20, 2016 — A U.S. District Court in Eugene has issued a preliminary ruling preventing Scott Timber from clearcutting a parcel of the Elliott State Forest purchased from the state of Oregon. The court found that the proposed logging of the Benson Ridge parcel by the subsidiary of Roseburg Forest Products raised serious questions over the potential harm threatened marbled murrelets, in violation of the federal Endangered Species Act.  

Tongass Groundtruth Expedition: 2016

Photos by Jacob Ritley, Cascadia Wildlands’ Tongass Groundtruth Expedition, 2016. Thanks to LUSH Foundation for their generous support. Southeast Alaska’s Alexander Archipelago is made up of thousands of islands large and small. Small boats and floatplanes are the dominant modes of transportation. Old-growth clearcutting is ongoing this summer on the Big Thorne timber sale, Prince of … Continue reading Tongass Groundtruth Expedition: 2016

Mt. June/Hardesty Mountain Roadless Area Threatened with Old-Growth Clearcutting

 Some of our favorite hikes here at Cascadia Wildlands wind through the Hardesty Mountain Roadless Area just southeast of Eugene.  Hardesty is one of the closest old-growth, roadless areas you can access from Eugene, and is a favorite of hikers and mountain bikers alike.  We have worked for years to safeguard this area for its … Continue reading Mt. June/Hardesty Mountain Roadless Area Threatened with Old-Growth Clearcutting

Goose Timber Sale is Back!

Two years ago the community of McKenzie Bridge was surprised to find pending timber harvest signs on their property boundaries with the Willamette National Forest.  The community started askng questions and realized that the Forest Service had planned a massive timber harvest that entirely surrounded the town.  The sale involved mature forest clearcutting, extensive riverside … Continue reading Goose Timber Sale is Back!

Last Chance to Comment on BLM’s Western Oregon Plan Revision

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages over 2.6 million acres of public forests in western Oregon and has recently undertaken efforts to revise all of its forest plans. These plans aim to dramatically increase timber harvests by 60% and ressurect the archaic practices of clearcutting older forests.   The draft of the proposed plan … Continue reading Last Chance to Comment on BLM’s Western Oregon Plan Revision