Putting Fracked Gas Infrastructure on Kate Brown’s Agenda

The third resurrection of the zombie pipeline is upon us. Like the premise for an 80s horror film, the Jordan Cove Energy Project proposal slated for southwest Oregon makes little … Continue reading Putting Fracked Gas Infrastructure on Kate Brown’s Agenda

Press Release: BLM to Weaken Environmental Protections in Western Oregon

April 12, 2016 — The Bureau of Land Management today released new plans that will guide recreation, wildlife habitat protection, water quality, and logging on 2.6 million acres of federal forests in western Oregon. Home to salmon and ancient forests, these public lands also provide drinking water for nearly 1.8 million Oregonians. If made final, the Proposed Resource Management Plan would weaken key protections of the Northwest Forest Plan that has guided management and ecosystem restoration on these forests for the past two decades.

Blog: Jordan Cove LNG knocked to its knees

by Francis Eatherington, Cascadia Wildlands Umpqua Regional Advisor   Last week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) denied the Jordan Cove Project. We were shocked as FERC is known as … Continue reading Blog: Jordan Cove LNG knocked to its knees

Living in the Age of Returns and Firsts

  By Maya Rommwatt, Communications and Development Intern On February 13th, comments are due to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the Jordan Cove LNG project.  The potentially catastrophic project … Continue reading Living in the Age of Returns and Firsts