A Trip to Washington DC

By Francis Eatherington   During the week of June 16, representatives of Cascadia Wildlands, Oregon Wild, and KS Wild traveled to Washington DC to discuss two bills, one from Senator Wyden … Continue reading A Trip to Washington DC

Extractive Industries are Killing the Planet–Eugene Rally March 3rd

February 27, 2013 — March 3 at 1 p.m. A rally will be held in the University of Oregon EMU amphitheater proceeded by a march against the fossil fuel industry. The march is follow-up to the “End All Extraction” march on February 17, since the demands from the first march were not met.

Comments on Coyote Island Terminal Permit

Cascadia Wildlands submitted the following comments on the Coyote Island Terminal Permit Application (Port of Morrow): Click below to view the PDF file.   CascWild – Comment on APP0049123 Coyote … Continue reading Comments on Coyote Island Terminal Permit

No Pacific Connector Pipeline or Jordan Cove LNG Terminal

The Jordan Cove Energy Project is a proposed pipeline and export terminal owned by Pembina, a Canadian energy company, to export fracked liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Canada and the … Continue reading No Pacific Connector Pipeline or Jordan Cove LNG Terminal