September 29, 2021 — A growing number of businesses from across Oregon support Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley’s River Democracy Act (S.192), and are urging Congress to pass the bill. The legislation that will protect roughly 4,700 miles of rivers as wild and scenic was crafted with the input from Oregonians all across the state.
Press Release: BLM to Weaken Environmental Protections in Western Oregon
April 12, 2016 — The Bureau of Land Management today released new plans that will guide recreation, wildlife habitat protection, water quality, and logging on 2.6 million acres of federal forests in western Oregon. Home to salmon and ancient forests, these public lands also provide drinking water for nearly 1.8 million Oregonians. If made final, the Proposed Resource Management Plan would weaken key protections of the Northwest Forest Plan that has guided management and ecosystem restoration on these forests for the past two decades.