Hundreds of Businesses Across Oregon Urge Congress to Pass the River Democracy Act

September 29, 2021 — A growing number of businesses from across Oregon support Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley’s River Democracy Act (S.192), and are urging Congress to pass the bill. The legislation that will protect roughly 4,700 miles of rivers as wild and scenic was crafted with the input from Oregonians all across the state.  

A nasty clearcut by the Weyerhaeuser company in the Oregon Coast Range (photo by Francis Eatherington).

Salem Debacle Kicks Off a Very Consequential Year

A Recap of What Went Down This Legislative Session by Alexander Harris, Forest Policy Consultant for Cascadia Wildlands Last week, the Oregon Legislature ended its short session early, lacking the … Continue reading Salem Debacle Kicks Off a Very Consequential Year