Federal Appeals Court Blocks Mt. Hood Logging

April 3, 2020 — Cascadia Wildlands and our allies Bark and Oregon Wild prevailed before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today federal court in a long-running legal battle over the Crystal Clear logging project on the eastern slopes of Mount Hood. The logging project encompassed nearly 12,000 acres of public land in the Mount Hood National Forest, and included almost 3000 acres of logging of mature and old-growth forests along with plans to build or re-open 36 miles of roads.

Legal Victory: Thurston Hills Timber Sale Defeated in Court

September 19, 2019 — On Wednesday, Judge Michael McShane ruled in a lawsuit filed by Cascadia Wildlands and Oregon Wild, determining that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) violated federal laws when it approved clearcutting 100 acres of public land next to the city of Springfield. The court said that BLM’s environmental review failed to consider the fact that logging would increase fire hazard for nearby residents and failed to harmonize logging and recreation by buffering trails as required by BLM’s own rules.

Marten (photo by Tatiana Gettelman) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/

LEGAL VICTORY: Oregon to Regulate Humboldt Marten Trapping!

January 3, 2019 — In response to a lawsuit from the Center for Biological Diversity and Cascadia Wildlands, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has agreed to issue new regulations addressing the trapping of critically imperiled Humboldt martens in Oregon’s coastal forests. The regulations must be finalized by September, according to a legal agreement. Fewer than 200 Humboldt martens survive in Oregon due to historical over-trapping and clear-cutting of coastal forests.

Cascadia Lawsuit Challenges Wolf Killing in Washington!

September 25, 2017 — Two conservation groups filed a lawsuit today seeking to stop the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and its director, James Unsworth, from killing any more state-endangered wolves.