Extractive Industries are Killing the Planet–Eugene Rally March 3rd

February 27, 2013 — March 3 at 1 p.m. A rally will be held in the University of Oregon EMU amphitheater proceeded by a march against the fossil fuel industry. The march is follow-up to the “End All Extraction” march on February 17, since the demands from the first march were not met.

Coos Bay Gas Pipeline Puts Much at Risk–Get Engaged

by Gabe Scott   Last week’s massive refinery fire in Richmond, California should serve as a wake-up call. Not that we needed another to remind us of a basic fact: oil and gas infrastructure is dangerous. When things go wrong, they go very wrong, very quickly.   Add this to the list of reasons why the … Continue reading Coos Bay Gas Pipeline Puts Much at Risk–Get Engaged

No Pacific Connector Pipeline or Jordan Cove LNG Terminal

The Jordan Cove Energy Project is a proposed pipeline and export terminal owned by Pembina, a Canadian energy company, to export fracked liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Canada and the Rockies to Asia using Oregon as a right-of-way.  The Jordan Cove Energy Project would require a 229-mile pipeline from Malin, Oregon to Coos Bay, culminating … Continue reading No Pacific Connector Pipeline or Jordan Cove LNG Terminal