On February 6, 2014 Oregon Senator Ron Wyden will be holding hearings on Senate Bill 1784. Cascadia Wildlands is so concerned about elements of this bill that we sent our own Francis Eartherington and Nick Cady to Washington, DC to talk about to our elected officials about the dangers of this bill. Our concerns are laid … Continue reading Senator Wyden is Holding a Hearing on the O&C Lands Today: He Should be Hearing From You
Roseburg BLM Clearcut Logging Plan Challenged
January 22, 2014 — Two conservation organizations filed a legal challenge today aimed at blocking a controversial plan to clearcut 100-year old trees on publicly-owned Bureau of Land Management lands in Douglas County. The White Castle logging project targets century old forest, including some trees over 150 years old, using a controversial logging method euphemistically referred to as “variable retention regeneration harvest.”
Press Release: Sen. Wyden Drops Logging Turducken* Before Holiday
November 26, 2013 — Eugene-based Cascadia Wildlands today expressed disappointment with the O&C forest legislation released by Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) that affects management of over two-million acres of public forestland in western Oregon. The conservation organization believes that it is a bad deal for the environmental values that make Oregon special and is committed to working with the Senator to see it drastically improved.
Bureau of Land Management: Four December Plan Revision Meetings Scheduled for Oregon
The Bureau of Land Management in western Oregon is scheduling a series of what they are calling “Community Listening Sessions.” The stated goal of these sessions is to: 1) update the public on the plan revision progress and 2) hear the public’s thoughts on key issues like timber production and forest management, endangered species conservation … Continue reading Bureau of Land Management: Four December Plan Revision Meetings Scheduled for Oregon
We are Salmon
By Bob Ferris When reading Tim Egan’s recent op-ed in the New York Times on salmon I was reminded of an “aha” moment I recently experienced at the Tongass talk I gave for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Science Pub. Towards the end of the talk I asked the crowd of 90 or … Continue reading We are Salmon
Of Zombies, Zane Grey and Western Rivers
By Bob Ferris I became convinced yesterday that actors who play zombies in movies learned their walking techniques from fly fishermen wading in swift rivers on slippery and slimy cobble. I came to that conclusion as I “gingerly” crossed the North Fork of the Middle Fork of the Willamette River—it is all in the balance … Continue reading Of Zombies, Zane Grey and Western Rivers
O&C Schemes: What About Blacktail Winter Habitat?
Pictures and graphics are always important. In putting together a power point slide for an upcoming talk I am giving on the Tongass National Forest for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, I stumbled onto the following graphic representation (with lots of help from Gabe Scott our person in Cordova, Alaska). Just a simple … Continue reading O&C Schemes: What About Blacktail Winter Habitat?
Who Wants to Bet the Farm on This Tired Old Horse?
By Bob Ferris As a wildlife biologist who has spent most of his professional career working with critters, I have to admit that I am fairly new to forestry issues. Moreover, the O&C issue is a particularly gnarly one. But I can read graphs and have spent a long time interpreting and … Continue reading Who Wants to Bet the Farm on This Tired Old Horse?
The Fate of Western Oregon’s O&C Forest Lands–Please Join Us
Please join Cascadia Wildlands, Oregon Wild, Forest Web of Cottage Grove, Eugene Weekly and other concerned community members for a presentation about the future of western Oregon’s public forestlands, also known as the O&C lands. These forest provide 1.8 million Oregonians with clean drinking water, offer habitat for imperiled fish and wildlife, and store incomparable … Continue reading The Fate of Western Oregon’s O&C Forest Lands–Please Join Us
The O&C Lands: Holding out for a Hero
By Bob Ferris The general public tends not to gravitate to the complicated. That is one of the reasons that relatively few get engaged in the federal farm bills or in energy policy in spite of the critical importance of both those entities to our health, wealth and happiness. The end result is that the … Continue reading The O&C Lands: Holding out for a Hero