A black wolf looks at the camera.

Stop wasteful anti-wolf bill in its tracks!

The Oregon state legislative session is underway and unfortunately, anti-wolf legislators with financial ties to the livestock industry have brought back legislation that would further compromise wolf recovery. Oregon already pays full market value for livestock confirmed killed by wolves, a program the conservation community has long supported. But controversial SB 777 seeks to apply … Continue reading Stop wasteful anti-wolf bill in its tracks!

A man stands by a tall tree.

Conservation Groups Challenge Bureau of Land Management SW Oregon Old-Growth Timber Sale

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. November 19, 2024 Contact:Nick Cady, Cascadia Wildlands, (314) 482-3746George Sexton, Conservation Director KS Wild 541-778-8120 gs@kswild.orgJohn Persell, Staff Attorney, Oregon Wild 503-896-6472 jp@oregonwild.org EUGENE, OR. Today forest conservation organizations filed a legal challenge in Medford federal district court challenging the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) latest old-growth timber sale located in the Cascade foothills east of … Continue reading Conservation Groups Challenge Bureau of Land Management SW Oregon Old-Growth Timber Sale

Salmon spawn in Honey Grove creek in the Aloha Trout logging project. The water is clear, and the surrounding rocks are brown. Trees above have yellow leaves.

Stand with Community Members — Say No to the Aloha Trout Logging Project!

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is planning a new logging project just a few miles east of the community of Alsea, Oregon. The Aloha Trout project would log and build new roads through 1,800 acres of public forest in the middle of Oregon’s Coast Range. While some of the project area is relatively young, … Continue reading Stand with Community Members — Say No to the Aloha Trout Logging Project!

Press Release: Quartz Timber Sale Challenged Over Impacts to Red Tree Voles

May 16, 2018 — Today, three conservation groups challenged the 847-acre Quartz timber sale on the Cottage Grove Ranger District of the Umpqua National Forest that targets mature forests. The contested area is home to a thriving population of red tree voles, a small tree-dwelling mammal that is a prey source for the imperiled northern spotted owl and is critical to forest ecosystems in western Oregon.

Press Release: Trapping Ban Sought to Protect Imperiled Humboldt Marten

April 4, 2018 — Five conservation groups filed a rulemaking petition today asking the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to ban trapping of Humboldt martens in Oregon’s coastal forests. The petition follows a new study that found that trapping could easily wipe out the species in the state.

Press Release: Endangered Species Protection Sought for California, Oregon Salamander Threatened by Logging

March 12, 2018 — Conservation groups filed a federal petition for Endangered Species Act protection today for the Siskiyou Mountains salamander, a rare terrestrial salamander that lives in old-growth forests in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of southern Oregon and Northern California.

Putting Fracked Gas Infrastructure on Kate Brown’s Agenda

The third resurrection of the zombie pipeline is upon us. Like the premise for an 80s horror film, the Jordan Cove Energy Project proposal slated for southwest Oregon makes little sense, yet it just won’t seem to be forgotten.   First proposed in 2004, the 232-mile Pacific Connector LNG pipeline and accompanying Jordan Cove liquified … Continue reading Putting Fracked Gas Infrastructure on Kate Brown’s Agenda

Press Release: Marbled Murrelet Listed as Endangered in Oregon

February 9, 2018 — Responding to a petition from conservation groups, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission voted today to change the status of marbled murrelets from threatened to endangered under the Oregon Endangered Species Act.

Marbled Murrelet Review Suggests Increased Protections!

October 25, 2017 — In response to a petition from multiple conservation organizations, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) has released a status review that demonstrates that the Marbled Murrelet warrants uplisting from threatened to endangered under the Oregon Endangered Species Act and is seeking public comment.

The Deja Vu of Killing Wolves

Late last month, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that it would shoot up to four wolves in the Harl Butte pack. Again. In August, following conflicts between wolves and livestock in the same area, the Department killed another four wolves from the same pack.