August 15, 2013 — Anglers, landowners, outdoor recreation businesses, and river advocates celebrated yesterday as Governor John Kitzhaber signed Senate Bill 838 (SB 838). The bill takes steps to protect salmon habitat throughout Oregon through reasonable reductions in levels of harmful suction dredge gold mining.
We Have Oregon Wolf Pup-age in 2013
By Bob Ferris Although we do not have total counts at this point, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has confirmed reproduction in seven known packs this year—Imnaha, Minam, Mt Emily, Snake River, Umatilla River, Walla Walla, and Wenaha. And here is a shot of the Mt. Emily pups. These represent more tangible dividends … Continue reading We Have Oregon Wolf Pup-age in 2013
Press Release: Bill to Protect Salmon Habitat in Oregon Passes House and Senate, Awaits Governor’s Signature
July 8, 2013 — Celebrated by fishermen, landowners, outdoor recreation businesses, and river advocates, Senate Bill 838 (SB 838) has just been passed by the Oregon House and Senate. SB 838 is now on the Governor’s desk awaiting only a signature to become law. The bill takes steps to protect salmon habitat throughout
Oregon through reasonable reductions in levels of suction dredge gold mining.
USFWS Draft Wolf Delisting Rule Exit Strategy not Recovery Plan
Statement of Cascadia Wildlands: We are exceedingly disappointed in the Obama Administration, Department of Interior and US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for abandoning science and the intent of the Endangered Species Act in their draft delisting proposal of the gray wolf in the lower 48 states. The USFWS's pandering to the livestock lobby … Continue reading USFWS Draft Wolf Delisting Rule Exit Strategy not Recovery Plan
Blog: Landmark Settlement Reached for Wolves in Oregon
by Josh Laughlin, Campaign Director It has been nearly 20 months since Cascadia Wildlands, Oregon Wild and Center for Biological Diversity were granted an injunction against the state killing wolves in Oregon. Prior to filing the case, two things became clear: 1) the state of Oregon was becoming more comfortable killing endangered wolves, and 2) … Continue reading Blog: Landmark Settlement Reached for Wolves in Oregon
Press Release: Settlement Reached in Wolf Legal Fight
May 24, 2013 — After seventeen months of grueling negotiations, conservationists, Governor John Kitzhaber, the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW), and the livestock industry have reached a compromise settlement agreement that resolves a long-running legal battle over wolf conservation in Oregon.
Extractive Industries are Killing the Planet–Eugene Rally March 3rd
February 27, 2013 — March 3 at 1 p.m. A rally will be held in the University of Oregon EMU amphitheater proceeded by a march against the fossil fuel industry. The march is follow-up to the “End All Extraction” march on February 17, since the demands from the first march were not met.
Comments on Coyote Island Terminal Permit
Cascadia Wildlands submitted the following comments on the Coyote Island Terminal Permit Application (Port of Morrow): Click below to view the PDF file. CascWild – Comment on APP0049123 Coyote Island Terminal Permit Application
General Response to Joe Greene
[Editor's note: When the New 49er's griped about the bias of scientists involved in the public advisory committee for suction dredging in California, the State eventually acquiesced allowed the New 49ers to invite two people with science degrees from their camp. They selected Joe Greene and Claudia Wise retired EPA scientists from Oregon and current … Continue reading General Response to Joe Greene
Dredging Up The Truth
By Bob Ferris With every complicated, science-based issue we seem to tackle, from climate change to wolves and from forestry to diesel particulates, there seems to be a handful of slide-rule era-educated, contrarian scientists who pull themselves up from the depths of retirement to confuse the issue. These self-proclaimed mavens generally have some credentials, but not the … Continue reading Dredging Up The Truth