WildCATs looking over maps for the Calloway Timber Sale during this Summer's Basecamp (photo by Cascadia Wildlands).

Field checking the Calloway timber sale — May 17

Join Cascadia Wildlands WildCAT Field Checking outing to the U.S. Forest Service’s Calloway Project, located within the McKenzie District of the Willamette National Forest. THIS EVENT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED.Please check back on our website and social media for more field checking opportunities this summer!You can email Madeline to let them know you are interested in future field … Continue reading Field checking the Calloway timber sale — May 17

Webinar: What is the NW Forest Plan — May 21

Cascadia Wildlands invites you to a webinar: What is the NW Forest Plan & Understanding What’s At Stake DATE: Tuesday, May 21TIME: 12pm THIS EVENT IS OVER. Cascadia Wildlands is a member of the Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance (PNWFCA), the host of this webinar series. BACKGROUND: Following years of grassroots organizing to protect the … Continue reading Webinar: What is the NW Forest Plan — May 21

Register for Field Checking Basecamp — June 20-25

Registration for this event is now CLOSED. Any questions can be directed to Madeline via email: madeline@cascwild.org     or text/call: 206-653-4959 Cascadia Wildlands WildCAT Field Checking BASECAMP will take place in the U.S. Forest Service’s Divide Project, located within the Detroit District of the Willamette National Forest (Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians land) from June 20-25th, 2024. The project area is … Continue reading Register for Field Checking Basecamp — June 20-25

Forests Are Our Future Rally — June 13

Join the Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance and communities from across the PNW on June 13 for the Forests Are Our Future rally. We will call attention to the pivotal role our mature & old forests play in tackling climate change and demand that our leaders protect them through the NW Forest Plan Amendment and … Continue reading Forests Are Our Future Rally — June 13

Kentucky Falls Earth Day Hike — Sunday, April 21, 2024

Enjoy a beautiful spring visit to an old-growth forest and one of the Coast Range’s biggest waterfalls! SIGN UP PAGE HERE! Description: The Central Oregon Coast Range hides gorgeous forests, clear streams, a tangle of early spring vegetation and wildflowers, and big waterfalls like Kentucky Falls. Luckily Oregon Wild and Cascadia Wildlands staff know how … Continue reading Kentucky Falls Earth Day Hike — Sunday, April 21, 2024

Press Release: Groups Challenge BLM Commercial Logging in Conservation Reserve

March 27, 2024

Medford Oregon —Today a coalition of conservation organizations again filed a legal complaint challenging the Medford District Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) efforts to aggressively log forest stands located outside of Gold Hill, Oregon. The Rogue Gold Forest Management Project (“Rogue Gold”) authorizes heavy commercial logging within Late Successional Reserves, areas expressly set aside for old forest conservation. The BLM is targeting mature and old-growth forests that are fire-resilient and provide important habitat for at-risk wildlife species. BLM admits that the purpose of the heavier logging prescriptions being authorized is the generation of commercial timber volume despite locating these logging activities within areas set aside for conservation, called Late Successional Reserves.

Press Release: Cascadia Wildlands Statement on Board of Forestry Decision to Advance a Habitat Conservation Plan for Western Oregon State Forests

March 8, 2024 — The Oregon Board of Forestry made a historic decision to move forward with a Habitat Conservation Plan for 640,000 acres of western Oregon state forests at its March 7th meeting in Salem. Voting 4-3 in favor of directing Oregon Department of Forestry to move forward with the draft Habitat Conservation Plan, the agency will now finalize the plan to establish a network of habitat and riparian conservation areas across roughly 300,000 acres of state forests and await federal approval. The department will also continue developing a new Forest Management Plan to guide implementation of the Habitat Conservation Plan.