The Northern Rockies states (i.e., Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming) are mostly outside what is classically defined as Cascadia. That said, the source populations of wolves that could migrate into the lower portion of Cascadia (Oregon, California and Washington) are in the Northern Rockies. Elements of the livestock and hunting communities have worked diligently to spread … Continue reading Northern Rockies Wolves
Press Release: Murie Family Cautions Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Over Anti-Wolf Rhetoric
July 18, 2012 — The Muries—arguably America’s first family of naturalists—sent an open letter today to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation asking them to either curb their anti-wolf rhetoric or stop using the Murie name in association with their organization. The Foundation currently uses the Murie name on their website and other materials as well for their periodic granting of the Olaus J. Murie Award honoring the work of elk scientists.