Support the Businesses Who Support Cascadia Wildlands!

It has been a rocky road for many businesses over the last few months, and it is imperative we as a community help out those that have done so much for Cascadia Wildlands over the years and who share the values we hold closely — big trees, raging rivers, wolves howling in the back country, … Continue reading Support the Businesses Who Support Cascadia Wildlands!

Poll: Most Oregonians Oppose Hunting of Wolves, Favor Nonlethal Conflict Prevention

October 7, 2016 — A new poll conducted by Mason Dixon Polling and Research finds that the vast majority of Oregon voters — from both rural and urban areas — oppose using hunting as a management tool for wolves in the state and believe wildlife officials wrongly removed state protections from wolves. The poll also revealed that most Oregonians believe nonlethal methods should be the primary focus in reducing conflicts between wolves and livestock.  

Stand Up for Public Lands!

In the midst of the ridiculous scene unfolding at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, bigger, darker, and more intelligent forces are working to give away our public lands.  Our public lands, our National Forests, our Wildlife Refuges, our National Parks, our Wild and Scenic Rivers, these are cherished and revered places across the Northwest. They … Continue reading Stand Up for Public Lands!