WildCATs looking over maps for the Calloway Timber Sale during this Summer's Basecamp (photo by Cascadia Wildlands).

Field checking the Calloway timber sale — May 17

Join Cascadia Wildlands WildCAT Field Checking outing to the U.S. Forest Service’s Calloway Project, located within the McKenzie District of the Willamette National Forest. THIS EVENT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED.Please check back on … Continue reading Field checking the Calloway timber sale — May 17

Register for Field Checking Basecamp — June 20-25

Registration for this event is now CLOSED. Any questions can be directed to Madeline via email: madeline@cascwild.org     or text/call: 206-653-4959 Cascadia Wildlands WildCAT Field Checking BASECAMP will take place in the U.S. Forest … Continue reading Register for Field Checking Basecamp — June 20-25

Press Release: Over 100 “Kayaktivists” and Community Members Protest Old-Growth Logging

October 8, 2022 — Today, a “kayaktivist” flotilla of over 100 concerned community members rallied on the McKenzie River to protest an old-growth logging sale in the Willamette National Forest. The Flat Country project, proposed by the U.S. Forest Service, targets over 2,000 acres of old-growth and mature forests for logging across the headwaters of the McKenzie River. The agency could auction the old growth to be cut at any moment.   Attendees held up signs from boats and kayaks, and unfurled a large banner declaring “Forest Defense is Watershed Defense”, to draw attention to the logging sale’s impact on downstream drinking water.

Press Release: Mature and old-growth logging sale undermines Biden climate policy; threatens McKenzie River, habitat

August 2, 2022 — Today, old-growth forest and wildlife advocates provided the U.S. Forest Service the means to reconsider the pending Trump-era “Flat Country” timber sale in Oregon’s Willamette National Forest. The vast majority of the proposed logging would be in mature and old-growth forests, with over 1,000 acres of clearcutting, even though President Biden this year ordered his administration to prioritize conserving these forests as a crucial climate protection.

Press Release: Post-fire Logging Halted on the Willamette National Forest

December 3, 2021 — Today, a federal judge enjoined post-fire logging on the Willamette National Forest near Detroit Lake and Breitenbush hot springs. The Forest Service was converting previously approved restorative thinning projects into post-fire clearcuts without any public notice or environmental review, despite the significant new information and conditions created by the fires.

VICTORY! Court Halts Roadside Post-fire Logging Project

November 5, 2021 — Today for the second time this year, a federal court halted U.S. Forest Service (Forest Service) plans to carry out extensive post-fire roadside logging. In granting a preliminary injunction, the court stopped planned commercial logging along 400 miles of roads within the Willamette National Forest. Federal District Judge Michael McShane’s order states: “Given the immense scale of this Project, which allows the felling of trees along 404 miles of forest roads, Plaintiffs [Cascadia Wildlands, Oregon Wild, and Willamette Riverkeeper] have demonstrated a likelihood of success on the claim that the Forest Service may not use the road repair and maintenance [Categorical Exclusion] to avoid [National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)] review,” page 11. The Forest Service will be largely precluded from commencing logging until the court has heard and decided on the case, likely in early 2022.

FIELD REPORT / BLOG: Quartzville-Middle Santiam Old-Growth on the Chopping Block

Proposed Quartzville-Middle Santiam (QMS) Timber Sale Project: Field Check Trip, July 2020 by Chelsea Stewart-Fusek Cascadia Wildlands Legal Intern, Summer 2020 On a gorgeous day earlier this month, the Willamette … Continue reading FIELD REPORT / BLOG: Quartzville-Middle Santiam Old-Growth on the Chopping Block