Oregon Wolves

Oregon is in the midst of a wildlife recovery success story. After gray wolves were eradicated from the state by 1947, the species got a second chance by migrating back in from Idaho’s reintroduced population. Between 1999-2000 three wolves traveled into Oregon. One was shot dead; one was hit by a car and killed; and … Continue reading Oregon Wolves

WDFW and the Wedge Pack—Not a Class Act

By Bob Ferris People who teach in a classroom understand that the game is won or lost and the tone set extremely early in the process.  Setting and communicating clear boundaries and expectations on that first day of class can help head off problems and save a lot time and energy on corrective actions.  By … Continue reading WDFW and the Wedge Pack—Not a Class Act

Of Wolf Experts and “Wolf Experts”

By Bob Ferris When I was in graduate school we learned an awful lot in our core areas of expertise.  But we also spent time talking about scientific ethics and acceptable practices.  Part of those discussions dealt with issues relating to research and publications such as why a certain person should be identified as a … Continue reading Of Wolf Experts and “Wolf Experts”

Press Release: Washington State Resumes Hunt for Wolves With Aim to Destroy Wedge Pack

September 5, 2012 — Following two depredations last week, the state of Washington’s Department of Fish and Wildlife ended its brief wolf-hunting reprieve and is again gunning to kill up to four wolves in the Wedge pack, with the aim of potentially breaking up the pack.  

State of Washington Urged to Halt Wolf Killing: Evidence Lacking That Wedge Wolf Pack Is Responsible for Livestock Loss

August 24, 2012 — Seven conservation organizations sent a letter today calling on Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire and state agencies to rescind an order to kill four wolves in the Wedge wolf pack in northeastern Washington. The kill order comes just two weeks after the state killed another wolf-pack member. State agents have been dispatched and are currently in the field tracking down the wolves to kill.

Twenty-four Conservation Groups Call on Obama to Maintain Federal Protections for Wolves in the Northwest

August 14, 2012 — Twenty-four conservation organizations sent a letter to President Barack Obama today asking for continued Endangered Species Act protection for wolves in the Pacific Northwest. The groups, including the Center for Biological Diversity, Conservation Northwest, Oregon Wild, Defenders of Wildlife, Cascadia Wildlands, Sierra Club, NRDC, and others, sent the letter as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service moves toward a final decision on whether wolves in the Northwest and other areas will retain protection.

Livestock Protection Dogs and Other Non-Lethal Tools to Deter Wolves

As the wolf population in Oregon and Washington continues to grow, so too does the need to promote and utilize the non-lethal and proactive tools available to reduce conflict between wolves and livestock. There are many tactics livestock operators can employ to help protect their herds. Though their implementation doesn’t guarantee 100% effectiveness, understanding and … Continue reading Livestock Protection Dogs and Other Non-Lethal Tools to Deter Wolves

Press Release: Murie Family Cautions Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Over Anti-Wolf Rhetoric

July 18, 2012 — The Muries—arguably America’s first family of naturalists—sent an open letter today to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation asking them to either curb their anti-wolf rhetoric or stop using the Murie name in association with their organization.  The Foundation currently uses the Murie name on their website and other materials as well for their periodic granting of the Olaus J. Murie Award honoring the work of elk scientists.